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Home > Introducing myself

Introducing myself

Bart NeervoortMy mission:  help the business community  to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively.

My vision: Resolution of disputes is more than a legal affair, because the disputes even on a corporate level are between human beings.

My style:

mediation: a mix between facilitative and evaluative mediat7ion (involved with both the process and the content of the dispute).

arbitration: conscientious, intruiged by the facts and eager to give a proper fair and square judgement.

My career: Practiced as a domestic and international trial lawyer for 30 years at Schut & Grosheide (now DLA Piper) in Amsterdam and Van Traa Advocaten in Rotterdam. Honorary justice with the Amsterdam Court of Appeal (civil and commercial chamber) from 2007 until 2016. Fulltime mediator and arbitrator since 2007.

My education:

  • Primary and secondary schools in England and the Netherlands
  • civil and commercial law degree from Law faculty Leyden University (1977)
  • CEDR Mediator Skills training (2002)
  • ICC arbitrators training

My experience:

Mediated and arbitrated hundreds of disputes over the last ten years:

Property development
Professional negligence (accountants and solicitors)
Medical malpractice
Personal injury
International contracts

My certifications:

  • Mediator MfN, IMI, ICC (Paris), CEDR (London) and CPR (New York)Distinguished neutral
  • Arbitrator NAI, ICC (Paris), UNUM (Rotterdam), LCIA India, CIETAC China.

My personality: Enthusiastic, empathetic, quick-witted, legalistic, sense of humour.

My home-situation: Living together with my partner who is a nurse, 4 adult children, 4 grandchildren.

My hobbies : theatre, ballet, amateur acting, singing.

Dispute resolution
0031 (0)6 53202437